Time Management - Schedule Your Time Well
How Can a Schedule Help?
It saves time by helping you to keep from wasting time
It allows you to give enough time to each subject (more time for
difficult subjects and less time for easier subjects). It makes every
minute count.
It helps you to settle down to work more quickly. It increases
It increases your reading and study efficiency.
It helps you to distribute your study time properly for increased
learning. It prevents cramming.
Making a Schedule
Fill in class hours
Fill in any after-school activities and/or sports
Indicate meal and sleep times
Allow at least 5 minutes immediately after a class (or as soon as
possible) to review notes.
Be realistic and allow enough time for eating, sleeping, exercise, and
Try Out Your Schedule for One Week
Record what you actually did (if you didn’t stick to your schedule)
Be honest with yourself in keeping track of the time really spent
Look for problems in your schedule
Be careful of time spent "having a break" for example, 5 minutes that
actually wastes 45 minutes
Note the amount of time you might be able to save.
Make out a new schedule, revising it to fit reality.
Some Hints on Planning a Better Study Schedule
Study at a regular time and a regular place. Establishing habits of study is
extremely important. Knowing what you are going to study and when saves a
lot of time in making decisions and retracing your steps to get necessary
materials, etc. Avoid generalizations in your schedule such as "study."
Commit yourself more definitely to "study social studies," for example, at
certain regular hours.
Study as soon after your class as possible. Ten minutes spent soon after
class will do as much good in developing an understanding of materials as an
hour a few days later. Check over class notes while they are still fresh in
your mind. Start assignments while your memory of the assignment is still
Use odd times during the day for studying. The ten-minute car ride could
be spent reviewing class material. Planning and establishing habits of using
your spare time for a review session will result in free time for recreation or
activities at other times in the week.
Limit your blocks of study time. Study no more than 1/2 hour on any one
subject at one time. After 1/2 hour to 1 hour of study, you begin to become
tired and it becomes harder to concentrate. Taking a break and then
switching to studying some other subject will provide the change necessary
to keep your energy.
Provide for spaced review. This is a regular weekly period when you will
review the work in each of your classes - and be sure you are up to date.
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