Action speaks louder than words

People's body language reveals that what they say is often very different
from what they think or feel. It is a scientific fact that people's gestures
give away their true intentions.

Body language is the unspoken or non-verbal mode of communication
that we use in every single aspect of our interaction with another person. It is
like a mirror that tells us what the other person thinks and feels in response to our words or actions. Body language involves gestures, mannerisms, and
other bodily signs.

Would you believe that in real life situations, 55% of the messages that
we convey to other people are transmitted through body language and the
actual verbal communication accounts for the other 45% - 38% in tone of
voice and only 7% in the words we use?

Our ability to use body language in a positive way and to read other
people's minds through their body language separates the men from the boys (or women from girls), and can be a powerful tool to our overall personality development. Imagine creating a great impression for work, business, and  love by being   knowledgeable in this not-so-common yet powerful field of study. It is the unspoken tool to a successful life.
Body language is made available to us naturally. It comes
spontaneously. All you need to do is to know how to interpret and develop it to its full potential. Don’t deny yourself this skill. Yes, this is a skill..

The 7 Secrets of Attractive Body Language
1.Face: Have an animated face and make smiling a part of youregular repertoire. Make sure you flash your teeth.

2.Gestures: Be expressive but don't overdo it. Keep your fingers closed when you gesture, your hands below chin level and avoid arm or feet crossing.

3.Head Movement: Use Triple Nods when talking and Head Tilt when listening. Keep your chin up.

4.Eye Contact: Give the amount of eye contact that makes everyone feel comfortable. Unless looking at others is a cultural no-no, lookers gain more credibility than non-lookers.

5.Posture: Lean forward when listening, stand straight when speaking.

6.Territory: Stand as close as you feel comfortable. If the other person moves back, don't step forward again.

7.Mirror: Subtly mirror the body language of others

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