Top 10 Spelling Mistakes in Hindi

Spelling mistakes in Hindi are some of the common pitfall which any Hindi learner would be facing sooner than later. These spelling mistakes are because of incorrect vowel, consonant or both. Some of mistakes are so common that even literate mass make them.
In this post, I’ll try to describe these common mistakes along with examples.
1. Use of “ (ba)” in place of “व (va)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.बिषेलाविषेला (Poisonous)
2.बनवन (Forest)
3.बिपत्तिविपत्ति (Calamity)
4.दवाबदबाव (Pressure)
5.बधूवधू (Bridge)
6.बस्तुवस्तु (Thing)
2. Use of “” (cha) in place of “क्ष” (ṛa)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.लछमीलक्ष्मी  (Hindu Goddess of Money & Treasure)
2.सिच्छाशिक्षा  (Education)
3.छणक्षण (Moment)
4.छमाक्षमा (Pardon/Exemption)
5.क्षात्रछात्र (Male Student)
3. “” (sha), “” (sa)  and “” (ṣa) related mistakes
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.कुसलकुशल  (Skilled)
2.प्रसंशाप्रशंसा (Applaud)
3.प्रशादप्रसाद (Blessed food)
5.सहीदशहीद (Martyr)
6.स्वासश्वास (Breathe)
7.नासनाश (Destruction)
8.कश्टकष्ट (Pain)
9.शुशामासुषमा(First Ray of Sun)
4. Use of “” (n) in place of “” (ṇa)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.प्रानप्राण (Life)
2.साधारनसाधारण (Common)
3.हिरनहिरण (Deer)
4.रामायनरामायण (a Hindu Mythology)
5.वीनावीणा (Indian Music Instrument)
6.प्रमानप्रमाण (Proof)
7.उदाहरनउदाहरण (Example)
5. Mistakes of “र्” (रेफ) (ra)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.आर्दशआदर्श (Ideal)
2.नर्कनरक (Hell)
3.स्वरगीयस्वर्गीय (Heaven departed)
4.कार्यकर्मकार्यक्रम (Program)
5.मरयादामर्यादा (Dignity)
6.आर्शीवादआशीर्वाद (Blessing)
7.दुदर्शादुर्दशा (Bad Condition)
8.परसादप्रसाद (Blessed food)
6. Common mistakes of other Consonants
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.बहिनबहन (Sister)
2.श्रंखलाश्रृंखला (Series)
3.अद्भुतअदभुत (Magnificent)
7. Use of “” (aa) in place of “” (a)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.हथिनीहथिनी (Female Elephant)
2.बारातबरात (Marriage Ceremony)
3.आधीनअधीन (Under Control of So/Sth)
8. Use of “” (i) in place of “” (ī)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.दिवालीदीवाली (Hindu’s Fest)
2.बिमारीबीमारी (Disease)
3.दिवारदीवार (Wall)
4.श्रीमतिश्रीमती (Mrs.)
5.महिनामहीना (Month)
9. Use of “” (u) in place of “” (ū)
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.हिंदुहिन्दू (Hindu)
2.चाकुचाकू (Knife)
3.जादुजादू (Magic)
4.सुरजसूरज (Sun)
Or, use of “” in place of “
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.प्रभूप्रभु (God)
2.साधूसाधु (Sage)
3.दूबारादुबारा (Again)
4.गूरूगुरु (Teacher/Master)
10. Mistakes of vowel] nasalization based diacritic – Use of “ं ” in place of ”ँ “
Incorrect SpellingCorrect Spelling
1.आंखआँख (Eye)
2.अंधेराअँधेरा (Darkness)
3.मुंहमुँह (Mouth)
4.दांतदाँत (Teeth)

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