TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE                  

Telecommunications are a very important part of business today. A caller forms an impression about the organization or person he/she calls in the first five seconds of the call. How the telephone is received is critical to the image of the person/organization.  Therefore the importance of telephone handling can hardly be exaggerated.

Cordiality of Voice:
When the caller hears a pleasant cordial voice; having made the call very positive vibes are developed in the mind of the caller. If the telephone is answered within the first three rings a respect  for the person/organization emerges. The caller thinks that the entity called is human, agile and progressive. Everyone likes to deal with such entities.

Clarity of Speech:
It is critical that the person who receives the call must be articulate. Each and every word spoken must be clearly understood by the caller first time around.

Listening Skills:
Next in importance is listening skills of the telephone receptionist. An aggressive, focused listening enables a person to understand properly even if the caller is not very articulate. Since telephone communication does not facilitate the communicating persons to see each other physically, the ability to understand each other through verbal communication fills the gap. Communication brings satisfaction and pleasure if the telephone talkers understand and appreciate each other.

Another important factor in telephonic communications is the language skills of the receiver of the calls. It is necessary that the telephone operator must be adept in the language he/she uses on the telephone. This brings confidence and fluency in speech which enhances the image and status of the person/organization receiving the calls. 
Nimble Foundation’s hands on training for the telephone operators engages the participants deeply to ensure that they have their skills in each and every aspect of the telephone operator’s job. Apart from various speech and language exercises, the participants are given projects which are helpful in developing and assessing the skills of making effective calls and receiving them.  
For more details…….

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